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$PXP Airdrop Alert!

We're thrilled to announce a special $PXP airdrop exclusively for our loyal community members! If you've been previously whitelisted for our L7 Investors NFT mint, you're in luck.

Airdrop Details:

Eligibility: All previously whitelisted wallets for our L7 Investors NFT mint.

Distribution: 700 $PXP.

Duration: Until March 7th 2024

Purpose: To show our appreciation for your continued support.

Utility: $PXP is spent to level up your Avatar NFT. The higher level, the more $L7L rewards you'll receive every week.

How to Claim:

  • First log in to the le7el.com web app.
  • Make sure you're connected with your WL eligible wallet on the Polygon chain with some MATIC to cover gas fees.
  • Navigate to this quest page, and click the "claim" button in the top right corner.
  • If you claimed $PXP but you haven't already got an Avatar NFT, go to "Discovery" -> "Quests" -> "Mint Avatar NFT" and follow further instructions.
  • Make sure to level up your Avatar after claiming the $PXP, and turn on rewards in "User settings" -> "Avatar" -> "Manage"

We're strongly advising to keep L7 Investors, Avatars and $PXP on the same wallet, as $PXP is not transferable! If you have any issues, raise a ticket in our Discord server: discord.gg/le7el and we will help you out.

Thank you for being an invaluable part of our journey.

Let's continue to grow together!

Disclaimer: $PXP is a non-transferable token used to level up your Avatar NFT, while $L7L is LE7EL’s utility token that will be transferable after TGE. The $L7L tokens are stored on your NFT as claims and the actual tokens are claimable to your wallet after TGE. The NFT with $L7L token claims can be traded on public marketplaces even before TGE. The Avatar NFT and $PXP tokens are on the Polygon network, so make sure to have some MATIC on your wallet.