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To start the quest, you first need to mint an Avatar NFT in "User settings -> Avatar" . Go to our Mint Avatar NFT quest for further instructions.

Once minted, enter the HoverCar game and race through 2 laps of the track as fast as you can. Check our Game guide if you need help on how to get started.

Important: Make sure you log in to the XR app using the LE7EL log in option, otherwise we'll not be able to track your Avatar NFT and distribute the rewards.

How to Earn

  • Based on your rank, you have the chance to win $PXP tokens which you can use to level up your Avatar NFT to earn $L7L tokens passively every week
  • As an exclusive edition to this quest and since we’re close to TGE, you can also win $L7L tokens, claimable at TGE.
  • To check your score, type "score" in the #HoverCar channel in our Discord server
  • The reward schedule is: 10000 $PXP & 1000 $L7L to #1 place, 7500 $PXP & 750 $L7L to #2 place, 5000 $PXP & 500 $L7L to #3 place, 2500 $PXP $ 250 $L7L to #4 place, 1000 $PXP & 100 $L7L to #5 place
  • Each user can only get rewarded for their top race time, additional entries will not be rewarded.
  • The tournament lasts for 1 week and within 3 days after the tournament ends you'll be able to come back to this page and claim your eligible $PXP. Any $L7L you won will be claimable right after TGE.
  • The tournament starts May 4th and ends May 11th.
  • After spending $PXP to level up your Avatar NFT, make sure that $L7L rewards are turned ON in "User settings" -> "Avatar" -> "Manage"

Please note: $PXP is a non transferable token used to level up your Avatar NFT, while $L7L is LE7EL’s utility token that will be transferable after TGE. The $L7L tokens are stored on your NFT as claims and the actual tokens are claimable to your wallet after TGE. The NFT with $L7L token claims can be traded on public marketplaces even before TGE. All NFTs and tokens are on the Polygon network, so make sure to have some MATIC on your wallet.