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Start Duels in Defi Kingdoms, earn $PXP, use your $PXP to level up your Avatar NFT to receive $L7L rewards. The higher level your Avatar NFT has, the more rewards it earns relative to others.


  • 1. Join the DeFi Kingdoms community
  • 2. Launch DeFi Kingdoms (Crystalvale on the DFK chain)
  • 3. Go to the Tavern and select Duel
  • 4. Start Duels
    • Solo(1 Hero)
    • Squad(3 Heroes)
    • Warr(9 Heroes)
  • 5. Choose duel type
    • Ranked match
  • 6. Your $PXP rewards will be calculated and rewarded weekly from your gas consumption related to starting Duels
  • 7. A Claim reward button will show after you have rewardable on-chain activity
  • 8. Make sure that you have leveled up your Avatar NFT and that rewards are turned ON in User settings -> Avatar -> Manage

Before you can start this quest, you need to complete the Sync socials quest, the Mint Identity quest and the Mint Avatar NFT quest.

Snapshot for your previous week’s activity is made each Tuesday and you have 1 week from the snapshot to claim your $PXP rewards before they expire. There is a max cap of 3000 $PXP per week per Avatar NFT.

Please note: $PXP is an untransferable token used to level up your Avatar NFT, while $L7L is LE7EL’s utility token that will be transferable after TGE. The $L7L tokens are stored on your NFT as claims and the actual tokens are claimable to your wallet after TGE. The NFT with $L7L token claims can be traded on public marketplaces even before TGE. All NFTs and tokens are on the Polygon network, so make sure to have some MATIC on your wallet.

For assistance, check the general Defi Kingdoms Guide or check our video below explaining Duels specifically